Tuesday, July 24, 2007

back home safely...

Hey everyone.
I arrived home late Thursday night. I had been traveling for 39 hours and felt just so tired but was greeted by my family with big "welcome home Priscilla" banners! We ran to meet each other and embraced for a long time. I was so excited to see them again. My littlest sister grew so much while i was away that it looks like she is on stilts! haha! We stayed awake until the wee hours of the morning talking then us girls all slept together.
It's been weird being home. The adjustment is hard. I am missing TLC so much and being in the nursery with the babies everyday. I feel like a part of me is missing and i feel so empty inside - like there's a hole in my heart. Yesterday i held some babies at church and felt whole again...i realized i'm so used to having babies in my arms all the time that without them i feel empty. It's weird being around people that all speak with an american accent...cause i was living with people from all over the globe. I am so used to black babies now that
white babies are weird looking. There is so much hustle and bustle and bigger cars here.
Although there are many adjustments to being back, it is good to be home again and be with family.
Thank you for reading my blog. Ok, bye bye!
love, cilla

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

having fun...coming home soon...

hey everyone!

Hope your summer is going good. i miss you all. a lot. but i'm doing GREaT!
Today we came to the shopping mall and took 5 of the toddlers with us to the supermarket and then to play in the play area at Spur's and eat lunch there. They absolutely loved it all! and it's soo much fun to them smiling and having a good time! I had a great time too. i just LOVE the kids. i return on the 19th. i hope to see you all when i get home. i miss you. I know i will have a hard time leaving tlc though.

love you guys. i give you a big hug, cilla

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

all things in His hands!

Hey all you people,

I had another chance to get to the mall and use the internet this afternoon, so here I am updating you again. The days have all begun to blur together and though each day has its own significances, they all blend into eachother. It's hard to find words to write how I feel. I know deep in my heart that this is where God wants me now. And I have been thinking a lot about what He has for me in the future. I sometimes think some long-term work like this would be right for me. I also think of going to school when I return home. I fiddle with the idea of staying here longer. But mostly I want to be where God wants me. And that's where I am now. I know that something will work out even if it happens just before it needs to. I've been reading Blue Like Jazz by D. Miller. The book has been opening up more questions in my mind about what I think about Christianity, living in the world but not of it, living for Christ in every day, how to love everyone...even the unlovable. I long to have more of an opinion on things, but I suppose it comes with time and maturity. I guess this is a better place and time in my life than any to be able to form opinions and ideas of things in this world. Just earlier today a gal who had been here for two months left to return home. I spent time with her this morning and we spent much time together while she was here. I gave her a little gift and a note to say how awesome she is and how we'll miss her. She teared up and thanked me for being me and being her friend. I almost cried too. How is it that I can even think that I'm not having an impact or not making a difference in the lives of others? How is it that I can have such self-pity and feel so lonely? How is it that I can be so self-centered? Sometimes I hate myself for it. Then Jesus reminds me of who He made me to be and what a great person that is. Today I was reminded of that. I feel such emotion right now cause just when I am feeling so low and like am I really who I say I am and who people see me as...God sends a big reminder that hits me in the face. So this is all to say that though it is hard, God is changing me...and I may not know even how He changed me until I am home. Thank you for your prayers for the baby girl with pnemonia...she is still quite sick but doing okay. Pray for me to have a more positive attitude towards others. And that I would not look on others with judgement but instead look on them with the love of Christ. A baby is being adopted locally tomorrow. We are excited to see this sweet little one go home to her forever family though we'll miss her so much. The weather is cooling into winter. The mornings have been very cold lately...sometimes I'm shivering on the walk over to the nursery from the cottage. All things are in His hands! Much love, Cil xxx

all things in His hands!

Hey all you people,

I had another chance to get to the mall and use the internet this afternoon, so here I am updating you again. The days have all begun to blur together and though each day has its own significances, they all blend into eachother. It's hard to find words to write how I feel. I know deep in my heart that this is where God wants me now. And I have been thinking a lot about what He has for me in the future. I sometimes think some long-term work like this would be right for me. I also think of going to school when I return home. I fiddle with the idea of staying here longer. But mostly I want to be where God wants me. And that's where I am now. I know that something will work out even if it happens just before it needs to. I've been reading Blue Like Jazz by D. Miller. The book has been opening up more questions in my mind about what I think about Christianity, living in the world but not of it, living for Christ in every day, how to love everyone...even the unlovable. I long to have more of an opinion on things, but I suppose it comes with time and maturity. I guess this is a better place and time in my life than any to be able to form opinions and ideas of things in this world. Just earlier today a gal who had been here for two months left to return home. I spent time with her this morning and we spent much time together while she was here. I gave her a little gift and a note to say how awesome she is and how we'll miss her. She teared up and thanked me for being me and being her friend. I almost cried too. How is it that I can even think that I'm not having an impact or not making a difference in the lives of others? How is it that I can have such self-pity and feel so lonely? How is it that I can be so self-centered? Sometimes I hate myself for it. Then Jesus reminds me of who He made me to be and what a great person that is. Today I was reminded of that. I feel such emotion right now cause just when I am feeling so low and like am I really who I say I am and who people see me as...God sends a big reminder that hits me in the face. So this is all to say that though it is hard, God is changing me...and I may not know even how He changed me until I am home. Thank you for your prayers for the baby girl with pnemonia...she is still quite sick but doing okay. Pray for me to have a more positive attitude towards others. And that I would not look on others with judgement but instead look on them with the love of Christ. A baby is being adopted locally tomorrow. We are excited to see this sweet little one go home to her forever family though we'll miss her so much. The weather is cooling into winter. The mornings have been very cold lately...sometimes I'm shivering on the walk over to the nursery from the cottage. All things are in His hands! Much love, Cil xxx

Thursday, April 19, 2007

gazing into their eyes...

Hello all you friends and family and prayer warriors!
Greetings from SA!
I find myself feeling very much at home here now. I continue to thank God for this opportunity and have recently felt a new sense of peace that this is totally where He wants me in my life right now. I have grown to love the babies more and more and care for them so deeply. I find it hard to believe that already 3 montsh have passed which means my time is half way through here. Please pray for a small little girl who is very sick with pnemonia now and is on oxygen. Also pray for good health for all the babies as the colder winter weather approaches and the heating system isn't the best. Please praise God for all the recent adoptions...about 10 or 12 total since I arrived. Also praise for my great health and safety. Last month two other gals and I spent our 10 day holiday in Cape Town and had wonderful time seeing the coast, eating lots of ice cream, climbing Table Mountain, and getting to know eachother a lot better. Every day brings new challenges and joys as well and I love the way our group pulls together as a team and we really work together well. The nursery had a new floor put in a couple weeks ago which is beautiful. And I am so excited to be around the kids everyday...when I see their faces and look into their little eyes I know they were abandoned and left to die many of them...but I am here to love them and what a great thing that is. When I feed them I gaze into their little eyes and think about that...and I thank God for this time and to learn these things. I love you all, Cil

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Feeding 7 babies

Feeding and caring for 7 babies at a time... keep smiling and singing...

Friday, March 9, 2007

Update after 7 weeks at TLC

Thank you to a few of you who have emailed or sent a letter. I am doing well here and really enjoying life at TLC. At the beginning when some volunteers said it would take about 4-6 weeks to adjust and feel at home and know what you're doing here...I didn't quite believe them. But now since it has been 7 weeks, I know what they mean and now can say I know my way around here. Though things here never stay the same for long. Life here is ever changing. The babies come and go and grow and grow some more. Since arriving 10 babies have left. 8 were adopted into loving families all from overseas. And the other 2 went back to their biological family...one with mom and one with granny. We have also received 6 new babies. They each have their own story of how and why they came here. The newest one arrived just Thursday. Her name is Freya and she was found on a doorstep. She is now 2 weeks old and we are glad she is now safe here with us. It is so amazing to see these babies come and then in time go.

The babies are continuously growing and changing. So they move into the next age group and eat different foods and wear bigger clothes and drink more milk, wear bigger nappies. We have detailed charts to keep track of all of their feedings and changings. The nursery is busy 24/7...though less busy in the night. Every 4 weeks each volunteer has to work on night-shift with two others. It is from 7p - 6a for seven nights. During night-shift we have to do chores like laundry, sweeping, mopping, dusting, cleaning bathroom, restocking nappies and wet wipes, etc. And we also have to change and feed the babies who are on 3 and 4 hourly feeds a few times each through the night. I have been on night-shift once a coupe weeks ago and quite liked it. Though by the end of the week I was glad I could be going back on day-shift.

Tuesday nights we have a volunteer meeting for an hour so where we discuss upcoming adoptions, changes in the nursery, sick babies, discipline difficulties with the toddlers, feeding problems, etc. There is a couple here who are in their 50s or 60s from Minnesota. This is their 3rd 6 month term. They are Ron and Lynn... and they are amazing. Lynn leads the meetings and always brings a homemade treat for us...often chocolate chip cookies or brownies. And then Thursdays are Tea with Thea (the founder and mother of TLC). We have a chat with her and tea and cake or pie. It's a quiet evening to get to know her and the other volunteers better.
The weather has been gorgeous. It is summer now...but fading into autumn. Then end of May brings winter. The sun is out everyday and sometimes a thunderstorm and rain in the afternoon. The days have been warm and lovely!

Each volunteer gets one day-off per week. Some things I have done on my days-off are: touring Soweto, shopping at nearby malls, going to African markets, going out to lunch, or just chillin in the cottage. We've also gone to play volleyball and to the movies. Sunday evening we go to church. It hasn't worked every week but at least a couple times a month. I always come back from church refreshed and ready for a new week. It is encouraging to be in the house of the Lord and to worship with brothers and sisters across the globe from home.

Focusing on God -- holding and helping babies

I have been discouraged at times and felt alone, but God reminds me He's here with me and loves me. And when I spend time in His word and prayer I am so encouraged to be known by Him and be His.

Sometimes I forget all the reasons of why I'm here and all the things back home and everything becomes a blur...but God helps me to focus back on Him and His plan for me, why I'm here, and His love. Please pray for me to be focused on Him and this work here.

Pray for the babies as they come and go and sometimes are sick.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Jolene is finger painting

Finger painting... this is Jolene...

The Lord provides abundantly

A huge donation from a local drug/pharmacy company... this is just the beginning of it... they are supplying a years worth of this stuff!!
The Lord provides abundantly indeed!!

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Rupert, Erick, and PV - Chillin Out

Rupert, Erik, and I one morning after nightshift... just chillin together on the couch.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

In February all the volunteers went on a training weekend at the Pilanesberg Game Reserve. We were trained in baby CPR and learned a lot about HIV/AIDS, and baby development as well. We also bonded as volunteers and had some free-time to swim and chill and go on some game drives where we saw many beautiful wild animals!

The babies got taken home with local families and day volunteers and friends from church.

There are about 20 volunteers here for mostly 6 months time though some for 2 months or less. And one for a year. They come from Canada, USA, Holland, Norway, Wales, and England. It's neat living together and working with so many different people. Most of them are young gals...but there are some older ladies and some guys as well.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

In the nest - with 2 babies

In the nest - with 2 babies

Uriah's ballet

Holding Uriah up while he did some sweet ballet moves... look at his feet. Hehehe!

Winona and Priscilla

Winona and I ...she's my little sweety girl.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Volunteer Weekend at TLC

Group shot of the TLC volunteers at the lake...

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Little Babies in South Africa

Rupert is almost 6 months and Ulrica 3 months -- with Brett -- the guy who drives us places and helps out in the nursery a lot.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Sunday, January 21, 2007

From home to TLC...

My life is forever changed. Each new thing in life that God gives me to do gives me a different perspective and a new way to live. God has brought me safely thus far and will be faithful to carry me home. So, I've arrived safely here at TLC in Jo'burg, South Africa! I traveled for nearly two days from Saturday night when I left home until I arrived in Jo'burg early on Monday. I spent a night at the guest house with two other volunteers to rest. We were taken out to lunch and then served a delightful dinner at home that night. Us three girls, each from a different country, but all children of God, bonded and talked a lot that first night at the guesthouse. Then a day of training at TLC, and Wednesday I was put right to work in the nursery. There are 34 babies between the ages of 12 days and up to 3 1/2 years! There are 15 other volunteers, but have only about 9 or 10 on duty at a time, so we keep busy. There are four age groups to divide the babies into smaller groups. The Nest has the premies and newborns; the Fledglings are 3-6 months; Grubs are 7-12 months; and finally the Creepies 1-3 1/2 years. The creepies are by far the most tiring to work with, but also the most fun. They are so responsive and pick up on everything we say and do. The work in the nursery is tiring...fun...joyous...lovely...rewarding...familiar...yet everchanging...
amazing...enjoyable... yet hard...and I love it! I thank God for this opportunity to serve Him by loving and caring for these little helpless ones. Earlier this week I witnessed two adoptions and two new arrivals as well. It was great to see, right away, what this work is all about. Tuesday thru Saturday we stayed in a cottage at Warren and Joanna's and then we moved into a cottage at TLC. It's nice to be settled in now...afterall this is my new home...at least for the next 6 months. I have been missing home and family and friends...but life is good here and the people are loving. Today was my first day-off from nursery duties. So two other girls and I went to lunch with some local friends from the church and later will attend church here. Tomorrow is a new day and I look forward to watching the babies grow and develop. I hope life is going well for you and not a day goes by where you don't stop to "smell the roses"...really I mean it, don't let your life just rush by. Enjoy the love God has given you...before it's gone. Love the little ones in your life. Look up Joshua 1:9...this verse has brought me new encouragement. Until next time, Cil

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Last week at home...

Hello again friends,
This last week at home as been full of fun and good memories... it's also been very busy! With so many errands to run and packing to do, I've still managed to do many fun little things with my family and friends. I thank God for all of the loving people He has put in my life.

Some of the things I did this week were: lunch with PJ, lunch with aunt Jan at Olive Garden, IMAX show with PJ, dinner with my big sister, sleepover and shopping with all my sisters, breakfast with Dad and Mom, Sunday dinner...ahhh good memories! I have been showered with gifts and cards. Today I have been doing all the last minute things and I will be going in just a little while. Love you all.

South Africa

Greetings to all who are reading this -family, friends, and all others!
I leave tomorrow for South Africa! I can hardly believe the day is nearly here...the day I've been planning for a long time. I am excited... and a little nervous too, but I'm eager for this adventure to begin. My bags are packed. I have my travel plans set. My heart is joyful. And my eyes a bit tearful. My passport is set. And my money too. I thank God for this missions opportunity and pray that He will use me for His beautiful glory. My service at The Love of Christ(TLC) Ministries will be primarily to take care of and love all of the little ones there. How great it will be to smother them with the love of Christ. There are 30-40 babies and toddlers currently living at TLC.
I thank all of you who are praying for me. And all of those who gave support. Praise God!
Until next time, Cilla